Accreditation gives training providers a distinct identity, prestige, and reputation that
guarantees the agreed level of quality.
Accreditation unifies the systems and programs for training providers and maintains their
quality and continuous development.
Accreditation balances between the independence of training providers and serving the
interests of society.
Accreditation is a prerequisite in many cases for the exercise of training and learning functions.
Students join a certified training provider confidently that training and learning are on the right
track to effectively achieve their goals.
Accreditation supports credibility, assures accountability, and maintains training outcomes
within established standards.
Accreditation supports certificates issued to graduates to be acceptable for employment and
Accreditation is concerned with all aspects and components (buildings and equipment, training
methodology, quality of performance, Etc.
Accreditation stimulates continuous self-evaluation to improve and develop quality, reinforce
strengths, and fix weaknesses.